The Pack 106 Pine Wood Derby will be January 14th at the St. James Church Hall 89 Main St South Grafton. The Lions Fun race will be at 11:30, Pizza will be served at 12:00 and the main race will begin at 12:30. Make sure to read the Pack 106 PWD Rules here.…/uploads/…/12/PWD.pdf…
In order to qualify to race, all cars must be weighed and checked in on Friday, January 13th at St. Mary’s. Check in will be from 7:00-8:00 PM
Awards will be given for the following design categories:
•Best Paint Job
•Most Patriotic
•Most Original Design
•Fastest Looking
•Most Likely Built by a Scout
•Most Resembling a Block of Wood
•Best Super Hero Theme
•Best Sports Theme
•Best Food Theme
•Most Animalistic Looking
•Best Holiday Theme (any holiday)
•Best Technology Looking