Our Blue and Gold Banquet for 2011 was a great success! We celebrated the boys of the Webelos II den attaining the Arrow of Light award, and crossing over to Troop 107. Mr. Grant Fritchey (co-Scoutmaster of 107) fired individualized arrows for each of the Arrow of Light recipients, after reminding us all what qualities in our scouts the arrow represents: that it’s straight, true, and has a point. During the crossover ceremony, the Webelos II scouts left behind their cub scout neckerchiefs and joined their new fellow Boy Scouts in Troop 107. Each of the graduating boys had a special “bio” in this year’s program.
After the nice Webelos II ceremony, outgoing Cubmaster Pope and incoming Cubmaster Paquin presented a former Cubmaster, Mr. Raymond Johnson, with a personalized Cub Scout shirt and a custom Pack 106 Neckerchief. Mr. Johnson served as Cubmaster for Pack 106 in 1950! He and his wife Viola were very active with Scouts in the 50’s, and Mr. Johnson was actually a boy scout with Boy Scout Troop 106 in the 30’s! It was great to have Mr. Johnson and Viola join us at the banquet, and honor him for his contributions to Pack 106.
Some “Banner of Achievement” awards were handed out too, for a variety of accomplishments in hiking and belt loop & pin work.
After that, Mr. Pope and Mr. Keeler donned aviation uniforms and entered the hall as Steve “Maverick” Pope and Bill “Aces” Keeler! Mr. Pope and Mr. Keeler had some nice gifts from the pack to show how appreciative we are of their hard work with the Webelos II den. We all enjoyed a fantastic pasta dinner (thanks, Mr. Bartosiewicz!) and for dessert had a beautifully decorated “Pack 106” cake.
We then closed the meeting with all of our boys getting their well-earned rank advancements, and our Pinewood Derby winners getting their trophies.
Congratulations to all of our boys, and most especially to our Webelos II scouts (now Boy Scouts!) for their accomplishments!
Pictures of the event are below.
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