Pack 106 had a fabulously fun day/night of camping at the Treasure Valley Scout Reservation in Rutland, MA. We first off would like to thank the weather for cooperating so that we were able to enjoy the weekend outside and the bugs for reminding us of their constant presence! (Thanks to the campfire for keeping them at bay.)
After everyone set up camp, the boys made their own bean bags out of socks and beans and participated in the annual let’s hit Cubmaster Alderton contest…I mean… the bean bag toss contest. This typically turns into who can avoid getting their bean bag into the pond contest as well!
A 3 mile hike around the lake was enjoyed with lunch and a great demonstration of echos from the Boy Scout Council Ring. There was some free time which offered the boys and their parents time to fish, participate in relay races, play ball or monster trucks in the dirt and so much more. To end the night the scouts made s‘mores, watched a movie and relaxed by the fire. This annual event is held to teach the boys about nature conservation and the importance of “unplugging” from technology to enjoy the outdoors!
Thank you to all of the leaders and parents for their hard work to make this event possible and run so smoothly. An even bigger thank you goes out to James A. and Joshua R., two Boy Scouts from Troop 106, for helping to clean, tend to the fire and teach the cub scouts about hiking. Congratulations to Noah and Liam for winning the hiking award presented by James and Joshua for picking up the most trash and staying on the trail.
Til Next year!
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Photos Courtesy L.Alderton and J.Mariano